Sunday, June 17, 2007

Pidgin 2.0.2

Man, I can't stand the stupid AOL Instant Messenger advertisement window, with that annoying "Scroll over to view ad" feature that plays crappy music and blurry videos about things I don't care about.

Make it go away with the open source Pidgin. It used to be called GAIM, but AOL kept hitting them with lawsuits, so they changed their name to Pidgin. Good thing, too, since Pidgin supports multiple instant messaging protocols, not just AIM. Others include MSN, Yahoo, IRC, IRQ, Google Talk, and many more; the best part is you can use these protocols simultaneously. Make sure you spell it right though; I see a lot of misspellings that represent the bird pidgeon. Pidgin is actually a real word that means "a simplified language that develops as a means of communication between two or more groups who do not share a common language", which makes sense since the Pidgin program supports a lot of different IM protocols. Just a bit a trivia.

Pidgin has an easy to use interface, and I'm guessing since most of you guys will be interested in the AIM functionality, the only feature it's missing is the ability to message folks that are offline. However, they plan to add it in later releases. The other minus is a limited number of smileys, but I don't use them so I don't feel a loss - you might not be able to see some friends' smileys though. Google Talk also seems to be getting popular, here's a link if you want to configure Pidgin for GTalk.

Away messages are easy to set and save, while checking profiles is as easy as holding your mouse over the buddy name. Plus, you can talk while your status is set to Away, which is very nice when you have pesky undesirables that somehow got a hold of your screen name.

Excellent software, grab it now and give it a shot, you'll like it.

Official Site:

Similar software:
Miranda IM

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